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This chapter focuses on the role of identity incentives in shaping political participation. It finds a strong correlation between hacktivist origins and the type of hacktivism engaged in: hacktivists from the hacker-programmer world do political cracking or political coding, while hacktivists from the artist-activist world of the postmodern left do performative hacktivism. The role of identity in shaping these patterns is confirmed by the way hacktivists talk about different forms of hacktivism, and about their experiences with collaboration.
Participation and political equality : a seven-nation comparison
Sidney Verba, Norman H. Nie and Jae-on Kim (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1978)
Rational Theories of Participation: An Exercise in Definitions
Louise G. White, The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1976
Collective Action and the Civil Rights Movement
Dennis Chong (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991)
Participation is Not a Paradox - the View From American Activists
K. L. Schlozman, S. Verba and H. E. Brady, British Journal of Political Science, 1995
Digital Disobedience: Hacktivism in Political Context
Alexandra Samuel, American Political Science Association Annual Meetings, 2001
Re: unitedskins.com
batz, hacktivism.ca listserv, November 11, 1999
Re: Let's get to work
pete, hacktivism.ca listserv, October 10, 1999
Re: Re: Timorese 'hacktivists' warn of revenge
xdaydreamx, hacktivism.ca listserv, August 30, 1999
Re: No power without brain....
Mike, hacktivism.ca listserv, August 27, 1999
Flint Jones, hacktivism.ca listserv, August 27,
Incentives for the Maintenance of Grassroots Political Activism
Lewis Bowman, Dennis Ippolito and William Donaldson, Midwest Journal of Political Science, 1969
Organized for action : commitment in voluntary associations
David Knoke and James R. Wood (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1981)
Shifting involvements : private interest and public action
Albert O. Hirschman (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1982)
An Exchange Theory of Interest Groups
Robert H. Salisbury, Midwest Journal of Political Science, 1969
Rational choice and the dynamics of collective political action: Evaluating alternative models with panel data
S. E. Finkel and E. N. Muller, American Political Science Review, 1998
Toward a Broader View of Interest Groups
Terry M. Moe, The Journal of Politics, 1981
Labour's grassroots : the politics of party membership
Patrick Seyd and Paul Whiteley (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992)
Voice and equality : civic voluntarism in American politics
Sidney Verba, Kay Lehman Schlozman and Henry E. Brady (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1995)
The Logic of Collective Action
Mancur Olson, Jr., 1965
A logic of expressive choice
Alexander A. Schuessler (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2000)
Incentive Systems: A Theory of Organizations
Peter B. Clark and James Q. Wilson, Administrative Science Quarterly, 1961
Incentives in Collective Action Organizations
David Knoke, American Sociological Review, 1988
Social Incentives and the Preservation of Reputation in Public- Spirited Collective Action
D. Chong, International Political Science Review, 1992
The many faces of social identity: Implications for political psychology
M. B. Brewer, Political Psychology, 2001
Perceiving and Responding to Multiply Categorizable Individuals: Cognitive Processes and Affective Intergroup Bias
Theresa K. Vescio, Miles Hewstone, Richard J. Crisp and J. Mark Rubin, in
eds. D. Abrams and M. A. Hogg, Social identity and social
cognition (Oxford: Blackwell, 1999)
Human groups and social categories : studies in social psychology
Henri Tajfel (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981)
Joining Groups to Reduce Uncertainty: Subjective uncertainty reduction and group identification
Michael A. Hogg and Barbara-A. Mullin, in eds. D. Abrams and M. A. Hogg, Social identity and social cognition (Oxford ; Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 1999)
Identity Work Processes in the Context of Social Movements: Clarifying the Identity/Movement Nexus
David A. Snow and Doug McAdam, in eds. S. Stryker, T. J. Owens and R. W. White, Self, identity, and social movements (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2000)
Collective Identity and Activism: Networks, Choices, and the Life of a Social Movement
Debra Friedman and Doug McAdam, in eds. A. D. Morris and C. McClurg Mueller, Frontiers in social movement theory (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992)
The Political Economy of Group Membership
John Mark Hansen, The American Political Science Review, 1985
Political Distinctiveness: An Identity Optimizing Approach
Dominic Abrams, European Journal of Social Psychology, May-June, 1994
Intergroup differentiation in a political context
C. Kelly, British Journal of Social Psychology, 1988
Group Distinctiveness, Social Identification and Collective Mobilization
Marilynn B. Brewer and Michael D. Silver, in eds. S. Stryker, T. J. Owens and R. W. White, Self, identity, and social movements (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2000)
Connections : new ways of working in the networked organization
Lee Sproull and Sara B. Kiesler (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1991)
A nation of strangers?
J.E. Katz and P. Aspden, Communications of the ACM, 1997
Communication and Community on Internet Relay Chat: Constructing Conmmunities
Elizabeth Reid, in ed. P. Ludlow, High Noon on the Electronic Frontier: Conceptual Issues in Cyberspace (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1996)
Identity salience and psychological centrality: Equivalent, overlapping, or complementary concepts?
Sheldon Stryker and R. Serpe, Social Psychology Quarterly, 1994
The past, present, and future of an identity theory
S. Stryker and P. J. Burke, Social Psychology Quarterly, 2000
Group Identification and Political Protest
Bert Klandermans and Marga de Weerd, in eds. S. Stryker, T. J. Owens and R. W. White, Self, identity, and social movements (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2000)
From social to political identity: A critical examination of social identity
L. Huddy, Political Psychology, 2001