Fighting lice in Vancouver

We knew this day would come. Lice…yuck! As we struggle to contain the lice outbreak on our kids’ heads, we share the following resources and insights: Think carefully before using pharmaceutical lice remedies like Nix. They are based on a natural...

Wrap your brand in reflected glory

Someone needs to tell the folks at Glad: Unless your customers pay for the privilege of wearing your logo, don't build an online community around your brand.

Out of my demographic on Facebook

I finally (!) joined Facebook, but here’s as key sign it’s not exactly my demographic: there’s no way to define your relationship to someone as “married”. When Rob added me as a friend, I had the option of describing our relationship as “lived together”, “family” (if I wanted to describe him as a sibling or cousin — but no, it’s not that kind of marriage!) or “dated”. I chose “dated”, and had the opportunity to further clarify that we were “practically married” and are “still together”. Now all I have to worry about are all the ladies cruising Facebook to find the kind of guy who is commitment-ready, but not legally committed….

Attached to Accuracy

Tonight’s bout of vigilante fact-checking was prompted by a story on the web site of Attachment Parenting International (API). API is a nonprofit that advocates for what is these days the ascendant philosophy of child-rearing. Best known through the works of...


I’m pleased to announce a new member of our family. That’s right, I finally got a Treo. The big motivation was its time-saving potential. Forget the miraculous possibility of checking e-mail while in transit; I’m excited about all the time that will be liberated...

Wanted: RSS calendaring

At the top of my wishlist: a good RSS calendaring tool that would let me share my whereabouts with friends, family and well-wishers. (If anyone has a technology that can specifically exclude ill-wishers, so much the better.) The absolute minimum that I need is...