Social Signal in nonprofit blogging story

Today’s Oakland Tribune features a story about nonprofit blogging. I’m quoted, but what’s really exciting is that this is (I think) the first print reference to Social Signal

Live blogging today from NetSquared North

We’re live blogging today from NetSquared North, a gathering of folks interested in non-profit technology issues who are in town for the Northern Voice blogging conference. Check out the NetSquared North wiki here.

Our opening session decided on four topical discussions for the day:

10:10-11:20: Online community-building: blogging and beyond
1:00-2:05: Top 5 non-profit technology needs and the best practices for addressing them: non-profit capacity-building

Blogs and Dogs

For those of you who suspect that I’m having too much fun at work these days, let me note my upcoming participation in the Banff Centre’s Blogs and Dogs workshop. This is a great chance to learn the basics of blogging, or push your blogging skills in new...

Introducing Social Signal: collaboration for communities

I’m delighted to announce the launch of Social Signal. Social Signal’s goal is to support online communities and distributed collaboration networks — networks of communities that share content and relationships by using the latest generation of web...

What Google blog search doesn’t have

Rob highlights its pros and cons. How could he forget to mention its gravest oversight: no rankings! Or is this a desperate hope that the ascendance of Google could change the domestic balance of power?

Speed feeding

Part of the plan with the ecosystem is to bring relevant content into sites using RSS. In the case of event sites — like the Capetown site that is the very first telecentre event site to get up and running — we’ll use...

Event blogging with Drupal

This is Information Society Week in Capetown, and one of the events taking place is the first workshop to use the new Drupal-based event platform that I’ve helped develop. The good folks at Bryght have set us up with a freelinking module that lets...

My kingdom for a link*

Rob thinks my new comment form is lame and desperate. I say, maybe he would reassert some claim to even participating in our rank war if he actually deployed a little strategy himself. As any politician knows, you’ve got to ask people for their vote. And any...

The perfect event blogging tool?

I met a really amazing group of people at AdvocacyDev, some of whom I expect to see again at Web of Change. Within the amazing group were a number of bloggers, and I’m looking forward to checking out their blogs. So here’s an idea: event-specific blogrolls. I’d love...

This sheep talks back

On my way back from this weekend’s meeting of the Online Deliberative Democracy consortium I had a chance to enjoy the ever-increasing vigilance of US airport security. At the end of my last US visit I ended up at the airport with a colleague who relayed the...