How to monitor your blog’s comments using Twitter
Unlike my Twitter conversations, blog comments often take a day or two to hit my radar. Since Tweetdeck (my Twitter client) is my de facto engagement hub — the place where I engage in online conversation — it makes sense for me to track other conversations in that context. To that end, I’ve figured out a setup that pulls comments on my blog posts, plus blog posts about my writing or speaking, into Tweetdeck.
18 tools for effective social media participation on blogs and beyond
An overview of the tools I rely on to participate effectively in the thriving world of social media.
5 reasons to send Direct Messages on Twitter
In answer to a question posted in LinkedIn, I’ve offered five reasons to use Twitter’s DM function — including to communicate something that is too short to be worth emailing.
Enrich your content with Zemanta
I’m writing this blog post with the assistance of Zemanta, a web service that claims to enrich your blog posts and emails by inserting links, related pictures, articles and tags.
Good parenting 2.0
Why you should make sure your kids have a unique username.
Jerry Greenfield on entrepreneurship at Oberlin (live blogging)
Continuing my live blogging of Jerry Greenfield on entrepreneurship.
Thinking about entrepreneurship in Oberlin
Reflections on responsible entrepreneurship by Jerry Greenfield of Ben & Jerry’s fame.
Love your leaks
How do you create a site that keeps people on your pages? By creating a site that's easy to leave.
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