For those moments when MindJet, MindMeister, Popplet and other electronic options are just too constraining, the stationery overlords invented dry erase…everything. In the process of writing about how to create a whiteboard for your laptop, I found these crazy awesome dry erasable everythings:
A kick-ass dry erase wall calendar on Etsy. I kind of want to order 12.
- An erasable speech bubble from Macetera on Etsy.
- For $374, this 48 x 120 wall sticker is STILL cheaper than it was to whiteboard paint (and then paint over) our entire office.
- Via Design Fetish, a dry erase board that looks like a piece of notepaper.
- Picture frame stickers with dry erase borders (perfect for funny captions!).
- Inspired! Using a stuffed animal as a whiteboard eraser. The damn things are breeding in our cupboards, and now I have a use for them.
- A dry erase board that’s shaped like a mirror and would look great by your front door.
- For the DIY crowd, a genius guide to making a beautiful dry-erase glass calendar.
- But I’m not going to tell you about the dry erase stickers that are so awesome that I need them for my office.
And when you’re done whiteboarding, don’t forget to snap your brainstorm with your camera or iphone: - Use Evernote to make your photo searchable: if all you remember from that brainstorming session a while ago was somebody suggesting a social media “welcome mat”, then searching Evernote for the phrase “welcome mat” will miraculously turn up the snapshot you took at the end of the meeting.
- If you’re using a camera, use an eye-fi card to sync your whiteboard photo automagically over wifi.
- If you’re using an iPhone, use JotNot to take a snapshot of your whiteboard; you’ll get a cleaner shot than using the camera app.
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