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Today in the Toronto Star: Tagging
May 16, 2005 | Classics
My piece on tagging finally appeared in the Toronto Star today, after a long struggle to make the tagging phenomenon both accessible and meaningful to a general audience. Since the final story had to be edited significantly due to space limitations, I'm posting the...
Customize your WordPress Dashboard
May 15, 2005 | Classics
Tonight, Rob and I crossed a marital and technological threshold with our collaborative creation of an enhanced version of one of the files in Matt Good and dr Dave's excellent X-Dashboard plugin for WordPress. X-Dashboard allows users to customize the WordPress admin...
About those nice comment lines
May 15, 2005 | Classics
Didn't we tell you to change the RSS feed specified in dev_feed.php to your own choice of feed?
Now that you are logged in, here are a few things you can do:
May 15, 2005 | Classics
Write a blog entry. Click on “Write” to post a story to the blog. Enter your text in the “title” and “post” fields. Choose the appropriate category (or categories) from the right-hand site of the screen. Click “publish” to post it to the blog immediately, OR “save as...
OD 2005 Blog
May 15, 2005 | Classics
I’m heading to Stanford this week for the 2005 Online Deliberation conference. I’m currently setting up a conference blog that puts some of my recent investigations into tagging to work as a tool for collaboration and dialogue among conference participants.
Tag aggregation
May 15, 2005 | Classics
I've created a category in this blog called OD2005 and I'm experimenting to see which blog search engine picks it up first.
Online Deliberation at Stanford
May 15, 2005 | Classics
At the end of this week I'm off to Palo Alto for the taxonomies
May 14, 2005 | Classics
Step 1: Lie awake at night, wondering whether there isn't something that can organize your favourite web links that will work better than Step 2: Lie awake at night, wondering whether you should use Furl or Spurl or Step 2a (optional): Lie...
WordPress Plugins: Wish list
May 14, 2005 | Classics
I stumbled across a brave Wordpress coder who has actually posted an open request for suggested plugins. Here's my contribution: Here’s a thought. It seems CRAZY that the world is full of people downloading WP plugins from one server only to re-upload them to another...
May 14, 2005 | Classics
Found another tag-enabled site. Sooner or later I’ll have to stop keeping track of the emergence of each tag-supporting web site, but for now, they are few enough to note as they appear.
Welcome to Tagsurf. Tagsurf is a new type of online message board…