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My kingdom for a link*
Aug 9, 2005 | Classics
Rob thinks my new comment form is lame and desperate. I say, maybe he would reassert some claim to even participating in our rank war if he actually deployed a little strategy himself. As any politician knows, you've got to ask people for their vote. And any...
Aug 9, 2005 | Classics
OK, I'm officially drinking the Drupal Koolaid. Boris skyped me through the process of putting our doc on choosing the platform right into the Drupal handbook itself. Now I feel all Drupally and won't be able to sleep.
On not getting things done
Aug 8, 2005 | Classics
My explorations of Treo software, switching aware from Entourage, Voodoopad and Tinderbox have plunged me into the seamy underworld of Getting Things Done -- or GTD to its fans. I find myself intrigued, if not seduced, and it's all-to-easy to imagine leafing my way...
Powerblogher questions: on tagging, bookmarking and wikis
Aug 8, 2005 | Classics
Debra Roby, one of the folks at our powerbloghers session, blogged & emailed with these questions: Tagging. why should I care? and how do I do it? Social bookmarking. same question. Setting up a wiki?? Where, why and most importantly how?? Let me tackle each one in...
Powerbloghers, please stand up
Aug 8, 2005 | Classics
Last weekend I presented an Advanced Tools session at Blogher, which didn't work out exactly as planned since we lost our Internet connection in minute 2 of the session. But the very generous and eager crowd bore with our reversion to flipcharts, and we made it...
The perfect note app for a post-Entourage world
Aug 8, 2005 | Classics
The extremely fabulous Leda Dederich asked me about how I'd handle tasks and notes after my switch from Entourage to Apple apps. I was worried about losing "Tasks" too. Turns out they're built into iCal! So no worries there. Re: Notes, it's a little more complicated....
Healing the world with RSS
Aug 6, 2005 | Classics
If you need to compare or evaluate different content management system (CMS) options -- especially for non-profits or for distributed networks that share content via RSS and tags -- check out the results of my recent work on choosing a platform for
Choosing a platform for the network
Aug 6, 2005 | Community, How nonprofits can use social media
When we recommended Drupal as the platform for back in 2005, we anticipated the emergence of what is now one of the most widely-used tools for nonprofit technologists. The process we used to evaluate platforms, and the questions we asked, are the same questions you should be asking about your software choices today.
All Treo, some of the time
Aug 3, 2005 | Classics
Well my Treo-ification is now well underway, which is to say that I've been immersed in the ever-exciting challenges of how to reorganize my life to be more Treo-friendly. (Oops -- I meant to say, figure out how to use the Treo to live my previous life more...
Fido on a Treo
Aug 3, 2005 | Classics
I called Fido -- that's my Canadian cell phone carrier -- today to ask about GPRS settings for my new unlocked Treo 650. Since the settings they gave me are a bit different from those I found on various discussion boards I thought I'd post them here for the benefit of...