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Popular Topics

Powerblogher questions: on tagging, bookmarking and wikis

Debra Roby, one of the folks at our powerbloghers session, blogged & emailed with these questions: Tagging. why should I care? and how do I do it? Social bookmarking. same question. Setting up a wiki?? Where, why and most importantly how?? Let me tackle each one in...

Powerbloghers, please stand up

Last weekend I presented an Advanced Tools session at Blogher, which didn't work out exactly as planned since we lost our Internet connection in minute 2 of the session. But the very generous and eager crowd bore with our reversion to flipcharts, and we made it...

The perfect note app for a post-Entourage world

The extremely fabulous Leda Dederich asked me about how I'd handle tasks and notes after my switch from Entourage to Apple apps. I was worried about losing "Tasks" too. Turns out they're built into iCal! So no worries there. Re: Notes, it's a little more complicated....

Healing the world with RSS

If you need to compare or evaluate different content management system (CMS) options -- especially for non-profits or for distributed networks that share content via RSS and tags -- check out the results of my recent work on choosing a platform for

All Treo, some of the time

Well my Treo-ification is now well underway, which is to say that I've been immersed in the ever-exciting challenges of how to reorganize my life to be more Treo-friendly. (Oops -- I meant to say, figure out how to use the Treo to live my previous life more...

Fido on a Treo

I called Fido -- that's my Canadian cell phone carrier -- today to ask about GPRS settings for my new unlocked Treo 650. Since the settings they gave me are a bit different from those I found on various discussion boards I thought I'd post them here for the benefit of...

Putting Technology to Work in the Community Sector

Today's news is a Call for Papers for what looks like an interesting conference in Sydney this November: Putting Technology to Work in the Community Sector Sydney, 14th - 15th November 2005 A conference for community and non-government workers will show it's not only...


I’m pleased to announce a new member of our family. That’s right, I finally got a Treo. The big motivation was its time-saving potential. Forget the miraculous possibility of checking e-mail while in transit; I'm excited about all the time that will be liberated now...

PowerBloghers get ready to roll

We're going to show folks a few tricks that can help them make beautiful, earth-changing blogs while they sleep. So please bring us your powerblogging questions -- visit