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10 ways to keep online dialogue on topic

I've spent the past two days at a Ohio State for a conference on Building Democracy Through Online Citizen Deliberation, which has been a terrifically productive gathering. One session consisted of an interesting conversation about how to structure online deliberation...

Blogs and Dogs

For those of you who suspect that I'm having too much fun at work these days, let me note my upcoming participation in the Banff Centre's Blogs and Dogs workshop. This is a great chance to learn the basics of blogging, or push your blogging skills in new directions....

Mmm, RSS.

All I want for tagsgiving is a turkey.

Make your nonprofit more effective with RSS aggregation

TechSoup invited me to be part of their online event on Web 2.0 this week. Since I was on call for a discussion about social bookmarking and aggregation, I put together a short overview of how aggregation can help nonprofits, and another on how social bookmarking can...

Hats off to the BCTF

The BC Teachers' strike hit home today, with CUPE picketing in support of the teachers even as some prospect for reconciliation has emerged. Our daughter's daycare was closed so that staff could respect CUPE's picket lines. But I have to admit that despite the...

Aggregation as an endless loop

Here's a challenge for wiser RSS-wranglers than I: as aggregation becomes a more widely used tool for populating web sites, how do we prevent RSS feeds from being cluttered with multiple identical posts? I was just looking at the Technorati tag page for net2, where a...

Community goes corporate

Boyd Neil of Hill & Knowlton has written a very kind and thought-provoking post in response to the launch of Social Signal. Boyd's observation is that corporate communicators have a lot to learn from social movements and community activists about how to use the...

Introducing Social Signal: collaboration for communities

I'm delighted to announce the launch of Social Signal. Social Signal's goal is to support online communities and distributed collaboration networks -- networks of communities that share content and relationships by using the latest generation of web tools. This...