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My ten online vices
Aug 23, 2009 | Self
There are online activities I never get around to — like organizing my photo library — and then there are the activities that are my eternal time sucks. Here are some of the online activities that have stolen years of my life.
Ten women speakers to look for at SXSW Interactive 2010
Aug 17, 2009 | Career
The panel picker for next year’s South By Southwest Interactive conference has just gone live, and zowee! there are some great choices. We’re especially thrilled to see so many great social media panels proposed by interesting women speakers, promising a SXSW in which we get to hear some sopranos and altos mixed in with the basses and baritones that dominate so many tech events.
Here are some of the
How to make sense of Twitter follows and unfollows
Aug 9, 2009 | Self
A couple of weeks ago I wrote my most hypocritical tweet ever:
Follows are not love. You are as lovable with 5 followers as with 50,000. You are not your Twitter feed.
How to use social media to support your personal and business goals and relationships
Aug 4, 2009 | The Harvard Business Review
Stop keeping up.
That’s the central message of my latest post for Harvard Business Online, in which I argue that we’re seduced by the relentless flood of must-have social networks, applications and gadgets. We focus on keeping up with the latest thing, instead of focusing on what’s important to us and looking for the technologies that support our own personal and business priorities.
Vancouver’s 12 best wifi cafés and restaurants
Jul 27, 2009 | Lifestyle
In my search for the perfect Internet café I’ve tried more than my share of Vancouver’s wifi-enabled cafés and restaurants. Just like Vancouver’s neighbourhoods, its wifi cafés and restaurants range from the scruffily hip to the chicly modern.
In this post I round up (and map!) the best of the good-to-great. Every place on this list has reliable Internet service, at least a few accessible power outlets, and decent coffee; on
The 10 ingredients that make a great wifi café
Jul 27, 2009 | Lifestyle
Some people prowl the earth in search of the world’s greatest Don Giovanni; others look for the finest shoemaker, the best bookstore, the ideal glass of Pinot Noir. I put my energy where it counts: the search for the perfect wifi café. While I’ve yet to find my Holy 802.11b-enabled Grail, i have pinpointed what makes for the perfect, laptop-friendly coffee spot.
Best tech gadgets of 2009 (so far)
Jul 23, 2009 | Toolbox, Travel
Our contribution to the economic recovery took the form of feverish technology purchasing throughout April, May and early June. Now that the dust and Visa bills have settled, it’s time to stop and rate the roses.
The ratings I’ve assinged to our past 6 months of tech investments aren’t based on assessments of comparative products — though every product on the list was purchased after reading other people’s reviews and comparative
How to use social media to recruit your dream hire
Jul 14, 2009 | Top Career Posts, Zone, Career
From Harvard Business Online: my post about how social media can help employers find the best people for their team.
Social media questions for Industry Canada’s conference on Canada’s Digital Economy
Jun 22, 2009 | Social Signal
I’m at a Canadian Government’s conference in Ottawa today on “Canada’s Digital Economy: Moving Forward“. Since the conference seems to consist largely of folks from the “traditional” tech world, I’m curious to see how the panelists and audience engage with the question of how social media changes the challenges and opportunities for Canadian IT.
Tony nominee [title of show] is a case study in social media creativity
If you want to tap the expressive and marketing power of social media, you can learn a lot from the Tony-nominated [title of show].