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5 paths to self-discovery online
Jun 6, 2010 | Self, Top Self Posts
One of the key ways to make your online life more meaningful is to use it as an outlet for self-discovery and self-expression. Here are 5 ways you can use the Internet to get to know yourself a little better.
The meaning of engagement
A great description of meaningful engagement from Chris Jones: True engagement requires more time and energy and active listening skills, but the resulting flow of information brings rich rewards. Insights begin to accumulate and multiply. Ideas get validated and...
Is social media just for married people?
Jun 3, 2010 | Relationships
Think Social is a blog from the Paley Center for Media that focuses on the public benefits of social media. It's an incredible blog and one that you must follow if you are looking for thoughtful reflection on both the social and political potential of social media....
Tips for avoiding social media compulsion
Jun 3, 2010 | Career
Chris Brogan's blog post, Your Blog is Not Your Job, contains some great tips on how keep blogging and social media from overtaking your primary work and focus. These include: Use an egg timer. If you’re going to venture out onto Twitter, time it. Keep a sticky note...
Can a mobile phone make you sane instead of crazy?
Jun 3, 2010 | Self
Aaron Bellve of Spit, Bristle and Fury (killer blog title, BTW!) has a thoughtful post about an NPR story on the dawn of therapy by mobile phone. Cell phones, rather than augmenting our human encounters, are replacing them and in something as complex, sensitive and...
Now on Life passages online, plus an empty nest bonus
Jun 2, 2010 | Family,, Published
My latest blog post for talks about ways to get support during life passages. Whether you’re celebrating milestones like the birth of a baby, a marriage or a birthday, or confronting challenges like death or illness, I’ve got some pointers on how the web can help. This post looks at one passage in particular: your newly empty nest.
The virtues of losing touch
Jun 1, 2010 | Relationships
Google Buzz got slammed for prepopulating its users' friends lists based on their most frequent email correspondents. Facebook has taken heat for privacy settings that default to a high level of sharing. So what's the big deal about sharing stuff with people you know...
For Should you get an iPad for kids?
May 31, 2010 | Family, Tech advice, Top Family Posts,
This post for lists the 5 questions to ask about using an iPad for kids, so you can decide whether to get one for your family.
5 solutions to hyperthinking and hypertasking
May 31, 2010 | Productivity
While working my way through the consultation paper on Canada's Digital Advantage, I found myself: investigating the best way to copy and paste text from a PDF to Evernote, leading to an open browser window with a series of tabs about various options for Mac/Evernote...
On the limitations of dotcom culture
May 31, 2010 | Community
Graham Hatch's blog post about privacy issues at Google and Facebook includes some interesting musings on the dotcom world: I’ve long had a sense that there is an assumption in the dotcom world which deems that because they are inventing the future they don’t really...