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Popular Topics

Show + Tech: What I did on my summer vacation

Stinky socks. Talking dogs. Dancing jelly beans. We got to see all of the above -- and more! -- at the SIM Centre's inaugural show + tech. Show + tech is a chance for members of Vancouver's business, art and technology communities to connect with the faculty, students...

Students use the internet to keep in touch with parents | Easier

A UK insurance firm has released the results of a study that looks at how students use the internet to keep in touch with parents: According to the study, parents rely heavily on social media platforms like Facebook to keep tabs on their children once they've left...

Addicted to Internet addiction

Thanks to Tonic for pointing me towards Mark Malkoff's unusual retreat from supposed Internet addiction: by spending 5 days offline, in the bathroom. Malkoff's stunt was clearly more relevant as fodder for his online videos that as an insightful investigation into...

The accidental online society

Anil Dash's blog post last week on The Facebook Reckoning includes this terrific summary of what's at stake for us in inventing our new, social media-ted society: But what if I weren't my own boss? What if my family couldn't accept parts of my identity? What if I...

Keep your Facebook friends from revealing your secrets

The T-List has a very readable, useful and detailed post, Are Your Facebook Friends Revealing Secrets? The post points out that when you leave a post on a friend's Facebook wall, their privacy settings (whether they allow their wall posts to be viewed only by friends,...

Another voice for your real life online

Suzanne Moore at the Mail Online has written my favorite recent social media polemic, Why my friends on Facebook and Twitter matter as much as those in the real world. As a journalist, I am a fan of both Facebook and Twitter and am rather bored of people telling me...

Bathroom graffiti, meet social media

The back-to-school rhythm of September has stayed with me in the years since I graduated myself, but it has fresh resonance this September as I'm back in an academic environment. Here at Emily Carr the pace has quickened, the cafeteria is jammed and the anxious faces...

Alone online

When we have no project to finish, no friend to visit, no book to read, no television to watch or no record to play, and when we are left all alone by ourselves we are brought so close to the revelation of our basic human aloneness and are so afraid of experiencing an...