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Wanted: LadyJoiners

My life is basically a series of social network and web app sign-ups, with a few friends, colleagues and tasks stuffed into the interstitial moments. So the arrival this week of Path -- what some people might consider YAFSN (Yet Another F*ing Social Network) -- was my...

Tweeting the daily life of our future-ancient world

Bill Caraher's post on Historical Figures in Social Media drew my attention to a bevvy of ancient worlders now tweeting away: iTweetus (a Roman soldier), iHerodotus (Greek historian), and Plutarch (ditto). I love the mashup of old-nerd-meets-new-nerd, which reminds me...

If we didn’t have computers…

LOVE Social Media but If we didn't have computers-wouldn't need #SocialMediab/c we wouldn't have stopped being social in the 1st place. When I first shared this interesting tweet from online pal Brenda Johima, it was with some reservations. After mulling it over for a...

Crowdsourcing my identity: an art experiment

The phenomenon of Pecha Kucha -- presentations in which a speaker addresses 20 slides for 20 seconds each -- has overtaken unconferences and WhateverCamps as the hottest format for professional gatherings. So I was interested to see a Pecha Kucha veteran tackle the...

Adding images to blog posts with Skitch, Zemanta and Flickr

Imagine I wanted to write a blog post about how to do something online. (I know it's a stretch, but bear with me.) If I really wanted me reader to follow what I'm blogging about, I'd need to include screenshots. The typical workflow, on a mac, would look something...