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Breaking up affordably

What can you learn from Sprint's fantastic new ad for its mobile billing package? Check it out: Now, the lessons: Do not break up via electronic media. Nobody is interested in hearing about the technical considerations behind a personal, social or business decision...

3 tech alternatives to the lost-and-found

Yesterday Little Sweetie returned home without her retainer. This is the moment we have been dreading for the four months since she got it. While interrogating her about possible locations for said orthodontic appliance, I couldn't help digressing into a conversation...

Learning to live with your lover’s virtual past

William Quincy Belle has a hysterically funny take on Shape's annual sex survey, which (among other things) looks at the impact of technology on our sex lives. Here's my favorite part of his blog post: 72 percent of women admitted in the survey to looking through a...

Ideas for the future of e-books

I enjoyed watching this video by blogger and digg founder Kevin Rose about his wishlist for e-book features. I found Kevin's video via a terrific round-up on social e-books at jjprojects

Listen to an ode to online love

One day in October I was driving home and listening to Beyoncé and Lady Gaga sing Telephone. I love them both but Telephone has a special place in my heart, especially I am sick and tired of my phone ringing Sometimes I feel like I live in Grand Central Station...

The biggest WikiLeaks disclosure yet

The cover story of yesterday's New York Times Magazine is a must-read piece about the New York Times' experience covering the stories that emerged from the WikiLeaks source material. Editor Bill Keller talks about how the Times approached this unusual source material,...

My Facebook profile, now with extra hotness

If you haven't visited me on Facebook recently, you may not have seen my new super-awesome profile. It looks like this: And while you're visiting me, I hope you'll check out my new Facebook page, which I set up to share my writing and work. (I use my profile for...