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Tied to technology

My latest toy is an iPod nano watch. It's just a plain old iPod nano, but it slides onto a watch strap specially designed to watch-ify it. I loved it for being red and iSomething and tiny but even so I wasn't particularly sure that it was a wise (read: financially...

Could you imagine life without Facebook?

Progressive Media Concepts recently posted an interesting question: What Would You Do If Facebook Shut Down Tomorrow? One I recovered from my blackout (it's my body's automatic self-defense mechanism when faced with the unthinkable) I read on, curious to hear PWC's...

There are motherf&!#ing blogs on the motherf&!#ing plane!

About an hour ago I tweeted the following: Desperately trying to think of a tweet that makes it clear I'm tweeting from the plane, w/out making it sound like that's the point. The responses to this tweet were so fantastic that I just have to round them up:...

Mac users, meet your menu bar

Can you recognize the signs of SMBB? Selective Menu Bar Blindness affects millions of Mac users, but has yet to be widely recognized as a chronic and debilitating condition. Patient X -- let's call her "Shmalexandra" -- was treated for a classic presentation of the...

Silence the voice of your inner blogging critic

On especially bad days this is what the voice in my head says: [soundcloud url="" params="show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=ff7700" width="100%" height="81" ] But here's the good news: there's nothing like hearing your...

How Apple could offer “digital valet” service

I spend a lot of time tweaking my systems. And by a lot, I mean....a lot. Between my Macbook Pro, iPhone, iPad and our two home media servers, I figure that I'm upgrading something every week. Then there's my online system: the widgets I install on my WordPress blog,...