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Bored by your boyfriend? Try having sex.
Nov 4, 2011 | Relationships
This is my best effort at scrupulous transcription of a conversation I was fortunate to overhear in the locker room today, between two young women I initially assumed were roommates. I wasn't sure whether the locker room was covered by a cone of silence, so I checked...
Countering the Excuses for Avoiding Social Media (and Video Games)
Nov 3, 2011 | The Harvard Business Review, Career
"I can see why it’s important, but it’s not something I need to be an expert on myself." "I’ve got…
What you can learn from your tech defeats
Nov 1, 2011 | Self
When I was a small child my mother dropped me onto a hard, stone floor. Miraculously, I was uninjured. As soon as I stopped crying, it seemed, I was as good as new. It would take years before the long-term repercussions of this fall became apparent: the tumble had...
8 secrets to a smarter tech maintenance routine for your blog
Oct 31, 2011 | Toolbox, Productivity
This weekend I had one of my periodic orgies of blog maintenance. Now it happens that 14 hours of software upgrades, plugin installs, widget testing and css tweaking is my idea of fun, so giving my blog a weekend of tech love is also a way of giving myself a weekend...
Self-publishing: 5 issues for authors to consider, from Amazon’s Jon Fine and Prof. Tim Laquintano
Oct 28, 2011 | Career
At the Merging Media conference today, we heard from Jon Fine, Amazon's Director of Author & Publisher Relations. Jon's talk reminded me of the terrific presentation I heard at AOIR from Tim Laquintano, a writing professor at Lafayette College who spoke about the...
Video: Social media, politics & the future of think tanks
Oct 26, 2011 | Community
Last month I had the opportunity to be part of a terrific day-long discussion on the future of think tanks, hosted by the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) as part of its 10th anniversary celebrations. I shared some of my thinking in a blog post...
What is Evernote, and how can it make you a social media power user?
Oct 25, 2011 | Productivity, Top Posts of 2011: How to
Making effective use of social media isn't about which tools you use, which networks you join or how many followers you have. People who have made social media a valuable, joyful part of their professional and personal lives are people who have made a number of...
10 funny things to read or do online from a hotel room
Oct 21, 2011 | Lifestyle
Welcome to Social Media for Bored Travellers
Oct 20, 2011 | Lifestyle
4 easy steps to creating a Twitter list from your conference backchannel
Oct 18, 2011 | Productivity, Top Posts of 2011: How to
You know you're at a conference with a great backchannel when you want to stay in touch with all the folks who've been tweeting away under the designated hashtags. That's how I felt about the Association of Internet Researchers (AOIR) conference last week: from the...