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Smartphones have transported us from an offline third place
Nov 16, 2012 | Community
Public transit used to be a version of what Ray Oldenburg calls a “third place”: a neutral space, neither work nor home, in which conversation and community can unfold. Have smartphones changed that?
6 ways to speed up your social media response times
Nov 14, 2012 | Career, Top Career Posts, Vision Critical
Speed is essential to developing the right social media campaign, response or update. In my last post, I looked at how the right kind of market research program can support faster and more responsive social media management, inspired by The Quick and the Dead, a new...
Why the speed of research matters in social media
Nov 13, 2012 | Career, Vision Critical
How quickly do you have to reply to a critical tweet? How long does it take for the right video to go viral? How often do you have to update your company's Facebook page? Speed is at the heart of many of the questions that come up over and over again in social media....
A new path to social media insight at Vision Critical
Oct 30, 2012 | Career, Vision Critical
People who post frequently on Facebook and Twitter are more than 3 times as likely to care about being the most fashionable person in the room, compared to more passive social media users. That was one of the surprising findings that came out of a major social media...
5 questions about your personal brand and your day job
Oct 28, 2012 | Published in The Wall Street Journal, Career, Top Career Posts
My latest for the Wall Street Journal addresses the challenges that companies face in managing "co-branded" employees: employees who have built a significant reputation and following through social media. The story covers a range of issues managers need to consider,...
How quickly should you reply to email?
Oct 2, 2012 | Career
I'm a judgemental email sender and an anxious email recipient. When I send someone an email, I judge them based on their response time: instant? slow? eternal? And by judgement, let me be clear: I'm not judging them on their email skills alone. Increasingly, I use...
More jobs of the future: essential staff for your tech lifestyle
Aug 22, 2012 | Lifestyle
A while ago I blogged a list of anticipated jobs of the future: new categories of employment that will be necessitated by our increasingly plugged-in lives. Now it's time to add a few to the list: Update concierge: 2 laptops + 2 home computers + 1 ipad + 1 iphone + 2...
Of shoes and men
Aug 15, 2012 | Lifestyle
I have a dear friend who used to say that a woman should always have three men in her life: the one currently in her heart, a second recently dispatched, and a third waiting in the wings. I now have a comparable philosophy about shoes. Every woman should have one...
7 ways to enhance your vacations with Facebook
Aug 8, 2012 | Lifestyle, Family
How Facebook can help you plan a better trip — and help you remember it.
Take a one-way road trip with Ridejoy
Aug 7, 2012 | Lifestyle
Ridejoy is a social network that helps you share rides. Here’s how we used it to take a fantastic one-way road trip.