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How quickly should you reply to email?

How quickly should you reply to email?

I'm a judgemental email sender and an anxious email recipient. When I send someone an email, I judge them based on their response time: instant? slow? eternal? And by judgement, let me be clear: I'm not judging them on their email skills alone. Increasingly, I use...

More jobs of the future: essential staff for your tech lifestyle

More jobs of the future: essential staff for your tech lifestyle

A while ago I blogged a list of anticipated jobs of the future: new categories of employment that will be necessitated by our increasingly plugged-in lives.  Now it's time to add a few to the list: Update concierge: 2 laptops + 2 home computers + 1 ipad + 1 iphone + 2...

Of shoes and men

Of shoes and men

I have a dear friend who used to say that a woman should always have three men in her life: the one currently in her heart, a second recently dispatched, and a third waiting in the wings. I now have a  comparable philosophy about shoes. Every woman should have one...

8 hot ways Evernote can spice up your sex life

8 hot ways Evernote can spice up your sex life

"For doing your taxes". "For shopping and to-do lists". "For home improvement projects". These are three of the very practical suggestions the Evernote blog has to offer as part of their 8 great ways couples can use Evernote shared notebooks blog post, which I just...