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What Jetpack social posts look like across platforms

Rather than choosing a new home on someone else's social network, can you use WordPress as a publishing hub for all your different networks? That's what I'm trying today. You can read the explanation of why I'm exploring this option in the post I used to test Jetpack...

A better way to social?

The sudden flight to Bluesky has me thinking about the ongoing dilemma of picking a social network. As I wrote seven years ago in JSTOR Daily, I'm pretty skeptical about the idea of investing my time and energy in any for-profit platform; as the Twitter saga clearly...

That’s my kid!

  "That's my kid!" These are the words my heart shouted when I saw Gus Walz shouting, "That's my Dad!" Like so many proud parents of hashtag#neurodivergent kids (many of whom are neurodivergent ourselves), I instantly saw my own 18-year-old son in that...

Inside You There Are Three A.I.s

Inside You There Are Three A.I.s

Generative A.I. can boost your productivity and expand your creativity, but it becomes much more usable and powerful when you customize it for your own needs. And that's very easy to do—no coding required!—with tools like OpenAI's "Create a GPT",'s new...

Learn to think visually with ChatGPT

I admire AI artists who can think of the right prompt to illustrate a concept or story. But I'm not a visual thinker, so the hardest part of image creation is often thinking about how to represent an idea visually. For my newsletter this week, I wanted a header image...