I’m in Minneapolis for the Deepening Online Deliberation workshop hosted by the Online Deliberative Democracy Consortium.
We had a terrific conversation today about some of the tools available for online deliberation and for collaboration among deliberation researchers and practitioners. Some of the URLs mentioned include:
Conversate— a new tool for spontaneous conversation. I set up this link for us to try out Conversate as a space for ongoing ODDC conversation.
Jerry Michalski’s “boot camp for the new millenium”
Alex’s introduction to tagging and social bookmarking (Tagging 101)
You’re It — a blog about tagging (Tagging 201)
Alex’s 10 steps to RSS (RSS 101)
The Online Deliberation 2005 Conference blog
Gataga – a search engine for finding tagged content.
43 Things is a tool for creating lists of personal goals and networking with people who share goals.
del.icio.us is a social bookmarking system that lets people share web resources, for example on deliberation
For an interesting political application of wikis, see the dKospedia project to review files on Guantanamo Bay detainees. Volunteers are helping to review thousands of documents on the detainees, and are keeping notes on a wiki so that multiple readers can cross-check and edit each write-up, as seen here
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