From time to time people ask me for advice about whether and how to apply to graduate school. I completed a PhD in political science at Harvard in 2004 and have thought a lot about whether, when and how people might want to apply to graduate school. Over time I’ve built up a standard set of advice that may be useful to other applicants, especially to people considering PhD programs and/or considering the Harvard program in particular.
I’ve now set up a little mini-site with my advice on applying to graduate school. These pages include:
Who I am: my faux qualifications for dispensing grad school advice
My story: how I survived the application process
My results: where I got in, and how I got funding
Questions to ask yourself: things to think about when applying
Questions to ask departments: things you need to find out for your applications
Acing the application: my tips for winning at the application game
I’d be delighted to hear from people who have found this information useful, or have suggestions on how to improve the information offered here; please submit your comments via e-mail (to alex [at] alexandrasamuel [dot] com).
Please note that I am not an admissions advisor, and can not provide advice about individual applications or programs. I do not speak for Harvard, nor am I able to help prospective students with their applications. These pages are based purely on my own personal experiences and observations. I will not respond to individual e-mails asking for personal assistance with applications.
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