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After reflecting on the themes that unite the dissertation, the conclusion considers how the post 9/11 political climate has heightened the pressure to erroneously treat hacktivism as cyberterrorism. The author hopes that the rising fortunes of political coding, which is increasingly legitimated by both governments and businesses, will ensure a continued space for hacktivism within the repertoire of political contention.
Specifying the Relationship Between Social Ties and Activism
D. McAdam and R. Paulsen, American Journal of Sociology,
Hacktivism: Securing the National Infrastructure
Mark G. Milone, The Business Lawyer, November,
The European Network and Information Security Agency Press Conference
Erkki Liikanen, February 10, 2003
Attacks against information systems press conference
Erkki Liikanen, April 23, 2002
European Network Security
Erkki Liikanen, March 18, 2004
points by European Commissioner for Justice and Home Affairs Commission
proposal for a framework decision on attacks against information systems
Press conference
Ant„nio Vitorino, April 23, 2002
opinion for the Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and
Home Affairs on the proposal for a Council Framework Decision on attacks
against information systems
Marco Cappato, COM(2002) 173 ® C5-0271/2002 ® 2002/0086(CNS),
August 2, 2002
is the Borderline Between Criminality and Civil Disobedience in the Net?
Marco Cappato, September 9, 2002
for a Council Framework Decision on attacks against information systems
August 27, 2002
split over vigilante strikes
Robert Lemos, ZDNet, September 14, 2001
Hackers Seek Govt Blessing
Brian McWilliams, Newsbytes, October 17, 2001
cracks Islamist mailing list
Rick Perera, IDG.Net, September 18, 2001
Internet Used for Terror Retaliation, but Hackers Disagree
Kevin Murphy, ComputerWire, 2001
Laden Pakistani Hacker Defaces World Trade Site
Brian McWilliams, NewsBytes, September 19, 2001
hackers take out US government sites
Brian McWilliams, Newsbytes, 2001
TV Plea to Patriot Hackers
Brian McWilliams, Wired News, 2001
hackers keep the cyberpeace?
Reuters, November 16, 2001
Hacking for Democracy: A Study of the Internet as a Political Force
and Its Representation in the Mainstream Media
Sandor Vegh, American Studies, 2003
Tactical Innovation and the Pace of Insurgency
Doug McAdam, American Sociological Review, 1983