How to Use Facebook’s Settings to Have More-Productive Conversations
Apple’s App Crackdown Spells Trouble for Families With Autistic Children
A Solution to Unreadable Online User Agreements (PDF)
Welcome to Blaine, the town Amazon Prime built
The shady data-gathering tactics used by Cambridge Analytica were an open secret to online marketers. I know, because I was one
Saving digital marketing from itself
Yes, Smartphones Are Destroying a Generation, But Not of Kids
When an Atlantic story blew up the Internet by alleging that smartphones had destroyed a generation of kids, I re-analyzed the same dataset to produce the most widely cited counter-narrative.
The World’s Most Influential CMOs 2019 (PDF)
As the data journalist for Forbes’ annual report on the world’s leading marketers, I score and rank hundreds of CMOs and find the data insights that drive the report’s many charts.
Jealous of your Facebook friends? You’re not alone.
I surveyed more than a thousand Americans about their experiences of social media envy for this data-driven story, which was cited in The New York Times.
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