Kids’ Screen Time is a Feminist Issue

The cultural panic over kids and screen time has never made sense to me. But one of the great joys of writing for JSTOR Daily is the opportunity to delve into academic research that sheds light on this kind of mystery. In my latest JSTOR post, I dig into feminist...

Data is the Next Big Thing in Content Marketing

This post for The Harvard Business Review launched my widely-shared series on how marketing teams can use data to drive their content — not just behind the scenes, but as the meat of their reports and articles.

Why parents shouldn’t feel technology shame

My multi-year study of more than 10,000 North American parents uncovered three critically different approaches to managing kids’ use of technology, and is widely cited in stories about family tech.

The Best Data Storytellers Aren’t Always the Numbers People

This article originally appeared in The Harvard Business Review. Taking a cue from the rise of data journalism, brands that rely on content marketing are starting to use data to tell stories about their brands, customers and products. What makes this kind of “data...

How to Give a Data-Heavy Presentation

This post originally appeared in The Harvard Business Review. Data storytelling has become a powerful part of the communications toolkit, allowing both journalists and marketers to communicate key messages by using data and data visualization to drive articles, blog...

‘Plug In Better’: A Manifesto

The trick isn’t to unplug from our devices — it’s to unplug from the distractions, information overload, and trash that make us unhappy. This argument against unplugging was included in “The Atlantic’s Best Technology Writing”.