Five ways to say goodbye to scolding tweets
Twitter users love to scold their fellow tweeters — not to mention all the company, people and products that disappoint us off-line. Here’s how to break the nagging cycle.
Twitter users love to scold their fellow tweeters — not to mention all the company, people and products that disappoint us off-line. Here’s how to break the nagging cycle.
From Harvard Business Online: my post about how social media can help employers find the best people for their team.
If you want to tap the expressive and marketing power of social media, you can learn a lot from the Tony-nominated [title of show].
Here are four Mac-only apps that will warm the heart of anyone who’s made the jump from Windows — and thrill long-time Mac users, too.
An overview of the tools I rely on to participate effectively in the thriving world of social media.
Don’t e-mail what you can blog. Don’t blog what you can tweet. Don’t tweet what you can DM. Don’t DM what you wouldn’t publish.
The real power of an iPhone lies in the ability to keep a preschooler silent and occupied for the length of time it takes a grown-up to eat a meal in a restaurant with actual tablecloths.
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