My favourite Canadian products

I’ve been very touched to see American friends expressing their desire to buy Canadian as a way of showing solidarity in the face of Trump’s destructive tariffs. While Tim Horton’s is no longer Canadian (it’s owned by the same folks who own...

25 rules of social media netiquette

This entry is part 12 of 39 in the series 40 years online

The quality of our online communities depends on the attitudes and behaviors we bring to it. But Emily Post can’t always help: life online demands new ways of interacting. The term “netiquette” was coined in 1983, the same year that brought us our first list of guidelines for online behavior. The 13 rules laid down in 1983 are still as relevant as ever, but social media has brought new challenges and thus, new best practices. This post rounds up 25 netiquette rules from across the web, covering both longstanding and emergent principles.