Evaluating civic engagement projects

A recent discussion on DO-Consult turned to the question of how we can evaluate the success of electronic citizen engagement projects. One list member pointed out that the issues probably aren’t too different from the challenges of evaluating off-line engagement...

North American Summit on Citizen Engagement: Day 3

As posted on Cairns: Our last day began with a panel of elected politicians discussing the role of civic engagement in their work. Listening to their experiences and comments, I was struck by how much of the burden of civic engagement seems to be laid at their feet....

The North American Summit on Citizen Engagement: Day 1

As posted to Cairns: Today was the first day of the North American Summit on Citizen Engagement, sponsored by The Whistler Forum for Dialogue. It’s a remarkable gathering of experts, practitioners and thoughtful commentators in the field of public engagement and...

Blogging as an engagement tool

As posted to Cairns: The UK’s Hansard Society has produced terrific research on e-democracy under the leadership of Prof. Stephen Coleman (also of the Oxford Internet Institute). This summer they released a paper that looks at how blogs can be a tool for...