A living experiment in online collaboration

The blogiverse is having fun with Just Letters, a little flash game that is a great living experiment in online collaboration. All you need is your browser, so go check it out!

Just Letters is an interesting window on how people can work together when the demands of collaboration are low enough, even if the apparent […]

Stakeholder communications go online

Thanks to Kristan Boudreau of BC Hydro for pointing me to a paper by Carol Adams and Geoffrey Frost on “Stakeholder Engagement Strategies: Possibilities for the Internet.”(PDF) The authors undertook a comparative study of how companies in Australia, Germany and the UK use web sites as a tool for communicating with stakeholders, based on more […]

Gnomedex 5.0

The next mega-gathering of West Coast bloggers, coming up June 23-25 in Seattle. Looks to be a great way to connect with the latest thinking on blogging, tagging, social software and all those other Web 2.0 buzzwords.

BlogherCon 2005

The first BlogherCon — a blogging conference for women — is planned for July 30, 2005 in Santa Clara California. The schedule of events will be announced May 1.

Blogging for Social Capital

Elizabeth Albrycht’s latest article at Blogging Planet, Collaboration Requires Contribution, provides a nice exploration of how blogging might enhance social capital. Her article includes a number of specific pieces of advice for how companies can use blogs to build community, and draws the connection between active participation in online content creation, and the development of […]

Digital era records management

I recently heard from Sarah Demb, a fellow Canadian now working with the International Records Management Trust in London. The IRMT fills an interesting niche in the governance world:

The Trust was set up in 1989 to help develop new strategies for managing public sector records. Records are so fundamental to democracy that governments and international […]

Pew Internet & American Life Project

Michael Cornfield of the Pew Internet & American Life Project notes an important newconsultation on Internet campaigning:
The Federal Election Commission opens public comment for sixty days on Monday, April 4 regarding its plan to renovate the online space for national politics.

The FEC’s proposals include provisions addressing online advertising and blogging, both major forces in the […]

Italy gets 57 new e-democracy projects

Information Policy reports that the Italian government is boosting its support for e-democracy:

The government will contribute a total of EUR 9.5 million to selected e-democracy initiatives at regional and local levels.

A quick view of e-consultation

I just came across a very succinct take on the advantages of online consultation. It’s from a 2003 paper Beyond Civil Society: Public Engagement Alternatives for Canadian Trade Policy (PDF) by Josh Lerner. Here’s how he summarizes the case for...

Yak shaving etymology

I’ve finally done something to earn true geek credentials. No, not writing my own applescript (not that hard, actually). Not installing and terminating my own in-wall ethernet network (with brilliant foresight, just 6 months before wireless went consumer-grade)....