5 questions about your personal brand and your day job
My latest for the Wall Street Journal addresses the challenges that companies face in managing “co-branded” employees: employees who have built a significant reputation and following through social media. The story covers a range of issues managers need to...11 social media tools that put entrepreneurs on the right strategic path
My latest post for the Harvard Business Review was inspired by a trip I made to Romania earlier this spring. I visited Bucharest and Cluj as part of the School for Startups, a highly successful UK-based entrepreneurship program created by Doug Richard. S4S is running...5 steps to create your social media toolkit
Building a social media presence around a specific area of expertise is your best way to connect with a network and audience that cares about your work, and gets real value from your online contributions. This blog post walks you through the 5 steps that will get you up and running with three tools that will let you build and maintain a credible online presence as an expert: a Wordpress blog, a Google Reader account and a Twitter presence managed through HootSuite.
Twitter and the Temblor: Managing a social media emergency
Yesterday morning I gave a talk on social media to a group of Canadian government employees. The talk was organized…
15 resources to accelerate your social media learning
I just got back from a fantastic day at the 20th annual Dynamic Women in Business Conference at Harvard Business School. What an incredible event! If the students who organized it weren’t going to be busy running the world’s next generation of startups,...Social media for journalists: 10 ways to use Evernote
How to use social media to recruit your dream hire
From Harvard Business Online: my post about how social media can help employers find the best people for their team.
How Twitter groups can make your twittering more a meaningful, conversational and connected
Learn how I set up a Twitter system that connects me more closely to the people and ideas that matter most in my own life.
17 tips for using Twitter to grow your business
Just like black-and-white photography can reveal depths you’ll never see in colour, the short length of a Twitter message encourages new levels of creativity and effectiveness in marketing. Don’t believe me? Here are my top tips on getting started with Twitter…and each is 140 characters or less.
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