The Moderator’s HomePage

An extensive set of resources covering both the technologies and techniques of online faciliation and moderation. Many of these resources are quite dated, however.

Justice in a nutshell

My past research on hacktivism took me far enough into the hacker world to appreciate the difference between hackers and script kiddies. In a nutshell, real hackers are computer experts who use their impressive skills for peace, love and kindness, while script kiddies...

One Damn Thing After Another

Rob Cottingham's blog, a terrific and wry source of info and analysis on Canadian politics. <i>Full disclosure: he's not only a brilliant speechwriter and political commentator, he's also my husband.</i>

Rad Geek’s Projects » FeedWordPress

I’ve been exploring the wonderful world of RSS aggregation for the past few months. (RSS newbies, check out the Wikipedia introduction.) I wanted to go beyond aggregating content for my own use, into the realm of aggregation as a way to support the blogging...

Online engagement: strength in numbers

The Canadian Policy Research Network has released a new paper called “Democracy — Updating the Owner’s Manual” by Mary Pat MacKinnon, the Director of CPRN’s Public Involvement Network.

The paper provides a very useful introduction to citizen engagement, informed by CPRN’s own extensive experience in engaging over 2,000 Canadians in public dialogue. Mary Pat suggests […]

Participants – Toolkit Citizen Participation

This site describes itself as: a growing group of civil society (NGO) and local government organisations from all over the world, working together to promote participatory local governance. Our site offers information on tools which promote citizen participation, a...

Tag my desktop — please

And the tagging obsession continues. Thanks to Travis Smith for pointing me towards Larry Borsato’s comments on why we don’t tag our desktop. His post is a response to Kevin Briody’s call to tag your desktop. Kevin asks:

Why can’t we tag documents? And file shares? And intranet sites? Then tag communications: emails, Messenger contacts, […]

Tag my desktop — please

And the tagging obsession continues. Thanks to Travis Smith for pointing me towards Larry Borsato’s comments on why we don’t tag our desktop. His post is a response to Kevin Briody’s call to tag your desktop. Kevin asks: Why can’t we tag documents?...

The Blog Therapist is in

How can I integrate my new blog with this one? Can I run a WordPress blog on a Drupal site? What should I do when my husband’s blog outranks mine on Technorati? These are the dilemmas that require the help of the…. On the strength of his winning answers to...