
I’m pleased to announce a new member of our family. That’s right, I finally got a Treo. The big motivation was its time-saving potential. Forget the miraculous possibility of checking e-mail while in transit; I’m excited about all the time that will be liberated...

PowerBloghers get ready to roll

We’re going to show folks a few tricks that can help them make beautiful, earth-changing blogs while they sleep. So please bring us your powerblogging questions — visit

Wanted: RSS calendaring

At the top of my wishlist: a good RSS calendaring tool that would let me share my whereabouts with friends, family and well-wishers. (If anyone has a technology that can specifically exclude ill-wishers, so much the better.) The absolute minimum that I need is...

Amping up for BlogHer

I’m not just the t-shirt girl: I’m going to be live and in person at BlogHer this weekend, facilitating a fantabulous advanced tools session with Marnie Webb and George Oates. Marnie has set up an Advanced Tools blog just for our session. We hope that...

H2O Playlist

The latest tool I’m exploring is H2O Playlist, a project of the Berkman Center. What is H20? An H2O Playlist is a series of links to books, articles, and other materials that collectively explore an idea or set the stage for a course, discussion, or current...

Become an online engagement pro

This fall I’m teaching two e-engagement programs through Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. One of the programs is a TeleForum (a series of conference calls) so it’s accessible to participants anywhere in the world. Please let your colleagues and...

The perfect event blogging tool?

I met a really amazing group of people at AdvocacyDev, some of whom I expect to see again at Web of Change. Within the amazing group were a number of bloggers, and I’m looking forward to checking out their blogs. So here’s an idea: event-specific blogrolls. I’d love...

From AdvocacyDev

Today is the last day of AdvocacyDev II, a gathering of people using technology to support nonprofit and social change work. As promised by Mark Surman, it’s been a truly mind-blowing experience. A big part of what’s amazing is the event organizing and...

Grad school advice

From time to time people ask me for advice about whether and how to apply to graduate school. I completed a PhD in political science at Harvard in 2004 and have thought a lot about whether, when and how people might want to apply to graduate school. Over time I’ve...

Moving WordPress: redirects

I recently moved my blog from to That involved not only moving my actual WordPress program files but also figuring out how to redirect visitors following outdated links to my old content. Today the...