On not getting things done
My explorations of Treo software, switching aware from Entourage, Voodoopad and Tinderbox have plunged me into the seamy underworld of Getting Things Done — or GTD to its fans. I find myself intrigued, if not seduced, and it’s all-to-easy to imagine...Powerblogher questions: on tagging, bookmarking and wikis
Debra Roby, one of the folks at our powerbloghers session, blogged & emailed with these questions: Tagging. why should I care? and how do I do it? Social bookmarking. same question. Setting up a wiki?? Where, why and most importantly how?? Let me tackle each one...Powerbloghers, please stand up
Last weekend I presented an Advanced Tools session at Blogher, which didn’t work out exactly as planned since we lost our Internet connection in minute 2 of the session. But the very generous and eager crowd bore with our reversion to flipcharts, and we made it...The perfect note app for a post-Entourage world
The extremely fabulous Leda Dederich asked me about how I’d handle tasks and notes after my switch from Entourage to Apple apps. I was worried about losing “Tasks” too. Turns out they’re built into iCal! So no worries there. Re: Notes,...Healing the world with RSS
If you need to compare or evaluate different content management system (CMS) options — especially for non-profits or for distributed networks that share content via RSS and tags — check out the results of my recent work on choosing a platform for...Choosing a platform for the telecentre.org network
When we recommended Drupal as the platform for telecentre.org back in 2005, we anticipated the emergence of what is now one of the most widely-used tools for nonprofit technologists. The process we used to evaluate platforms, and the questions we asked, are the same questions you should be asking about your software choices today.
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