Just discovered a very cool Firefox feature. If you have several web pages open in tabs, and then click Peferences/General in order to set your home page, Firefox gives you the option of setting your home page to “current pageS”. So if you like to check...
Part of the plan with the telecentre.org ecosystem is to bring relevant content into telecentre.org sites using RSS. In the case of event sites — like the Capetown site that is the very first telecentre event site to get up and running — we’ll use...
This is Information Society Week in Capetown, and one of the events taking place is the first telecentre.org workshop to use the new Drupal-based event platform that I’ve helped develop. The good folks at Bryght have set us up with a freelinking module that lets...
As part of my ongoing quest to find a Mac counterpart to the Personal Brain (thanks to Jerry Michalski for ruining my life with his software demo) — and as part of my re-evaluation of all my productivity apps in the wake of my Treo purchase — I have been...
Today’s online customer service award goes to Movie Central — that’s the (Western) Canadian equivalent of HBO. I emailed the address listed on their web site last Monday (August 8th), as follows: Subject: Six Feet Under season 5 hi, I’ve...
One of my favourite organizations working on dialogue and deliberation challenges is the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation (NCDD). They’ve done a great job of building community among people doing civic engagement, dialogue and deliberation work,...
Rob and I seem to be in the market for a new web host. We’ve been delighted with our current hosts, Ace of Space, but as our site and domain empire expands, it’s beginning to look like it would be economical for us to get a hosting package that allows...
I’ve been talking a lot about RSS on this site for some time now. And lately I’ve been talking about Treos too. Now you can have both great flavours in one thanks to this little demo of how the best sources of custom RSS feeds can help you find everything...
OK, Getting Things Done fans: my extremely witty and brilliant husband has got a must-see web page: Rob Cottingham » A little something for the Getting Things Done crowd
Rob thinks my new comment form is lame and desperate. I say, maybe he would reassert some claim to even participating in our rank war if he actually deployed a little strategy himself. As any politician knows, you’ve got to ask people for their vote. And any...
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