Today in the WSJ: What I’ve learned from two decades of remote work
Let go of the eight-hour workday. That’s the single most crucial piece of advice I have for any newly remote worker, after more than two decades of work in which I’ve been based from home for most of the time. Today in the Wall Street Journal, I share my...Today in HBR: The productivity app that will change your life
If you have seen me anytime in the past year, you’ve probably heard me obsess over my new love, Coda. Coda is my new tech and productivity Swiss Army knife: I’ve used it to replace countless docs and spreadsheets, and I’ve also used it to build...Today in OneZero: What Autism Can Teach Us About Overcoming Digital Burnout
Today in OneZero, Medium’s flagship tech publication, I look at what we can all learn from autistic strategies for managing sensory overload. As I write in my story, [B]y increasing the frequency, variety, and intensity of incoming stimuli, the digital world has...11 essential foods for the ketogenic diet
At the beginning of March I decided to get serious about losing the 40-ish pounds I’ve gained in the past three years, and after conferring with my posse, I landed on the ketogenic diet. Initially developed as a treatment for epilepsy, the perfect keto diet...How to create short link stickers for your best content
In yesterday’s Wall Street Journal, I share my favorite hacks for getting more out of conferences — including the trick of making stickers that let me add a short link to my business cards. I love my short link stickers because they give me an immediate...My pre-Trump dystopian anxieties may be getting the better of me
How Email destroyed the world
I spent the last day of Western Civilization addressing the very phenomenon that caused our collective downfall: email. On November 8th—Election Day—I spent six hours in a rented studio in Manhattan, taping a new class for Skillshare. Email Productivity: Work Smarter...Resistance is futile: A success story
Sometimes success looks like a little boy sobbing his eyes out. This success story begins yesterday morning, when Peanut showed up at school in his Halloween costume: a Borg cube. For those of you who aren’t Star Trek fans, let me explain that the Borg are a race of...In The Orange Dot: Is my kid addicted to tech or am I just old?
Even adults can get obsessed with their social media analytics. So what do you do when your kids start measuring their every online move.
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