Take note of Evernote (especially if you’re an iPhone user)

Since upgrading to a 3G iPhone, I’ve gone on periodic app binges in which I download every app that looks remotely interesting and take it for a whirl. So far, the best discovery I’ve made is a free app called Evernote — and it’s changed my computer use even more dramatically than it’s affected the way I use my iPhone.

Kris Krug on Web 2.0 at STT

Technology and copyright

Technology is obsoleting copyright law. Encourages people to use Creative Commons for all their work.

» bonus tip: When publishing with Creative Commons, use the attribution noncommercial license, which means that any non-profit can republish your content, as long as they credit you as the original author (or photographer). But businesses won’t be allowed to take your content and make money with it.

Promote ownership of your brand

Let people remix your content. Give them creative assets to work with.

Let go of control. Don’t make the mistake the music industry made — trying to loc down their content, and alienating their fans.

Document everything

If it didn’t happen on the Internet, it didn’t happen.

The power of open source

Open source software development is inherently tied to social change. They are building things for the common grood while working around traditional power models.

Vision Vancouver debate

So far no huge policy differences except on the idea of a “speculator tax” (Gregor: pro. Al: con. Raymond: ?)

A great member question: your supporters can select a 2nd choice on the preferential ballot. What can you tell them about your two opponents’ qualities and contributions to guide their decision?

I was sorry that none of the three responded with specific praise for the others’ virtues. It was such a nice opportunity to transcend the “fight” paradigm.

Free tix to Sex and The City…and some help for sex trade workers

Today marks the release of Sex and the City: The Movie. With the news that SATCTM tix are selling out, your friends at Social Signal (part of the original Change Everything team) want to save you from the nightmare of a Sex-less weekend. We’ve got twenty tickets to the 8 pm show on Saturday, May 31st, at the Fifth Avenue Cinema on Burrard Street.

The first twenty girlfriends to e-mail me (alex [at] socialsignal [dot] com) will be our guests on Saturday night. We’re also working on a plan for pre- or post-film cosmos (let us know what works better for you when you RSVP).

If you’d like to pass on the love, Social Signal will match any ticket-sized donations you make to WISH, the Women’s Information Safe Haven.WISH provides female survival sex workers with shelter, essential needs supports, and alternatives to their high-risk lifestyles. You can donate online or in person on Saturday night.

We hope to see you on Saturday!