Why I love my new job

When I came into work today, I found that somebody had knit a handle-cosy onto the front door of Emily Carr, and around the pipe just inside. This is why working at an art university rocks.

The next tech revolution is here and now

The next tech revolution is underway. It’s not the dawn of the semantic web, or the mobile web, or web 3.0 or any of these buzzwords. This revolution is about the people using technology, not the technology itself. It seems like the tech industry is finally...


Separating my SXSW swag into “take it home” and “throw it out” piles shows what makes for good, memorable promotional materials.

How to think like a social media artist

If you want to sharpen or deepen your use of social media, try going to art school. That’s the big takeaway from my first months here at Emily Carr University of Art + Design. I can’t say I’m “going to” art school — my role heading...

A novel approach to life online

For the first time in a year, I’ve lost myself in a book. It’s Barbara Kingsolver’s latest, The Lacuna– a marvellous historical novel that centers on a Mexican-American who becomes cook and secretary to Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo and Leon...

How Social Media Is Changing Olympic Coverage

Plenty of locals in Vancouver are stymied in their efforts to decipher just what the protesters want; or more precisely, what it would take to satisfy them.
—Jonathon Narvey

Game play can help grow a community, offer positive mentorship,…

The message of usability

Completing an online form that reminds me that when you’re the one GIVING the money out, there’s no pressure to create good user experience. I celebrated Valentine’s Day the traditional way this year: filling out a really terrible online form for a...