Cool Stuff My Friends Sent Me This Week

One of the things I love about the Internet is its habit of bringing us little presents. No, I’m not talking about the complete set of Reboot action figures that I purchased on eBay for my retro-animation-obsessed kids. I’m talking about all those groovy...

Introducing App Girl

This is a cautionary tale about the dangers of introducing children to technology. Four weeks ago, it was time for the annual ritual of Hallowe’en costume selection. Most years, I have the energy to make one costume, which means that one kid get storebought and...

Back When Social Media Was Human…

Lisa Barone made my day with an extraordinary blog post, Back When Social Media Was Human… She jumped off from the piece I post this week on the Harvard Business Review site, on The Devolving Meaning of Social Media, and pointed to one particular quote that she...