Warning: Common sense on Twitter

It was bound to happen sooner or later: someone has actually offered some actually human level, common sense about RTs. You know RTs: “retweets”, the Twitter equivalent of blowing a kiss, or maybe it’s more like picking the lice out of...

Where are you at?

I have become so habituated to referring to people in my tweets as @robcottingham, @morganbrayton, @kk etc. that I’m starting to think of “at” as part of my friends’ names. You know, the way Spanish names often include “de la” or...

The next frontier in hierarchy-busting with social media

Lots of organizations suffer from the pain of incorporating social media into command-and-control structures. The very structures that were once a source of organizational efficiencies are not only superceded by technologies that make those efficiences irrelevant;...

Wanted: LadyJoiners

My life is basically a series of social network and web app sign-ups, with a few friends, colleagues and tasks stuffed into the interstitial moments. So the arrival this week of Path — what some people might consider YAFSN (Yet Another F*ing Social Network)...

Tweeting the daily life of our future-ancient world

Bill Caraher’s post onĀ Historical Figures in Social Media drew my attention to a bevvy of ancient worlders now tweeting away: iTweetus (a Roman soldier), iHerodotus (Greek historian), and Plutarch (ditto). I love the mashup of old-nerd-meets-new-nerd, which...