Calling all geeks: Are you ready for the GeekOff challenge?

Working as a person of the female persuasion in the world of tech, I mostly do pretty well being surrounded by a lot of guys a lot of the time. My Women’s Studies degree may not have fully prepared me for my day-to-day life, but I’ve found that I enjoy the...

What’s really hurting your relationships?

Today’s paper has an article about how hard it is to preserve tight family relationships in a world where we have so many other relationships. It offered 10 signs your friendships might be hurting your family relationships: You can’t get through a meal...

Call for Papers: Social Media in Higher Education

The Internet and Higher Education has issued a call for papers for a forthcoming special issue on Social Media in Higher Education (PDF). The issue will be edited by Stefan Hrastinksi and Vanessa Dennen. In the call, the editors note: In this special issue, we would...

How the other half goes offline

Between the Christmas break and the season of New Year’s resolutions, I was braced for a flurry of blog posts about the merits of unplugging — a phenomenon I was already tired of by the end of last summer, as I wrote about for HBR. So imagine my delight...

Today in HBR: 6 social media choices you have to make in 2011

What am I choosing to do on the Web? That’s one of the key choices you’ll need to make this year, as we set the course for how social media will integrate into our lives and reshape the world. In my blog post today for HBR,  Social Media in 2011: Six...

5 life lessons you can learn from emptying your inbox

This entry is part 11 of 11 in the series 7 Days to Inbox Zero

You’ve probably got a handful of e-mails that are still in your inbox because you are, on some level, avoiding them. These e-mails, more than anything else, illuminate your core personal or professional blocks. Forcing yourself through them — the way you have to in order to empty your inbox — is not just a path to e-mail efficiency, but a very meaningful exercise in character-building. Here are some of the lessons that may lie waiting in your inbox.