4 great ways to use Evernote with Skitch today — plus 14 new possibilities
You know how happy you feel when you find out that two of your good friends have hooked up and are now a couple? That’s how I felt yesterday when I heard that note-taking and information management powerhouse Evernote had acquired screen capture and image...10 essential iPad and iPhone apps for your next road trip
Packing list: 11 tech accessories for your web-enabled road trip
5 surprising facts about my OS Lion install
Last night I finally installed OS X Lion. What makes this surprising: I waited three whole weeks from the time of release! A new record of personal restraint in holding off from the pain and suffering of early adoption. The tipping point for me to finally make time...10 ways to save on roaming charges when traveling with your smartphone
Don’t blow the savings from your budget-conscious vacation on a whopping cell phone bill. These 10 tips will help keep your voice and data costs under control.
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