Watching The Lazarus Project is one the ways I recharge at the end of a workday We can only sustain our attention for so long before we need a cognitive break. That’s one of the key points in Attention Span, by Gloria Mark. Her book takes decades...
Hybrid work warmed us up for the world of generative AI in many ways: When you’re already used to interacting with your colleagues via chat rather than in person, it’s easier to get used to riffing with a chat-based AI. When you’re constantly overloaded by...
I love implanting computer chips in my friends’ brains. At least, I did until recently, when Elon Musk announced he’d gotten in on my action by actually implanting the first Neuralink chip in a live human subject. That’s when I realized Elon had killed what has long...
The non-geek’s starter guide to building the skillset of the future with a custom GPT Managing people has long been the path to advancement. Now, the same is true of managing AIs. In many professions, there’s a point at which the only way up or forward is if you take...
What career or professional decisions would you have made in 2018, if you’d known that in just two years, the world of work would look dramatically different? There are no do-overs for us as prisoners of linear time, but we can use our pandemic-era experience of...
This article is just one long spoiler for the movie Die Hard. If you haven’t seen it, you should—it’s a classic! Unless you hate seeing gunfire; then you should really not see it. We often talk as if online collaboration is a new challenge, one minted by hybrid...
The best thing an AI can produce? Better, happier humans. We should expect nothing less. And that means harnessing AI for joy, as well as productivity. That begins with using AI to boost your own professional or personal motivation. Just last week, I stumbled onto a...
Our Family Throughout History I created this gift collage from images I made with’s AI Time Machine. I love Cyber Monday because it combines three of my favorite things: Shopping, gifting, and of course, Cyber. To help you make the most of...
This is the time of year when I often hear from other parents with autistic kids, or kids with other kinds of complex challenges. It’s the same time of year that often found our own family in crisis: Far enough into the school year that classroom meltdowns or calls...
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