Impasse as opportunity: upcoming Vancouver workshop

The Wosk Centre for Dialogue in Vancouver is hosting a February workshop on “Impasse as Opportunity”. The workshop addresses: Why are some conflicts seemingly impervious to resolution? When conflicts get stuck in repeating, negative patterns, what can be...

Discount dialogue

It’s amazing what you can get online these days. Look what popped up when I googled “dialogue”: I always heard talk is cheap.

How we work

My find of the day is web log that keeps track of comments and quotations by artists, writers, and other accomplished folk on their work habits and style. Makes for interesting reading.

43 Things

My new favourite web site is something called 43 Things, which I discovered through Nancy White’s blog. You can’t find out what 43 Things is if you don’ t have an account, and you can’t get an account without an invitation. No wonder I just HAD...

Scottish Parliament site hacked

In the course of my online travels tonight, I discovered that part of the Scottish Parliament’s web site had been hacked: HACKED BY DR_TROX BU SITE CEZA’YA MAHKUMDUR … It’s hardly a security crisis for the Parliament’s webcasting...

E-consultation gets official nod

New DO-Consult subscriber Katherine Beavis points out that e-consultation has now been enshrined in the Canadian government’s official communications guidelines. The new (revised) Government of Canada communications policy was released today. One of the only...

The art and science of bookmarks

Like anyone whose work not only uses the Internet, but actually concerns the Internet itself, I am really dependent on bookmark management to keep track of my work and resources. As a Mac user I’ve recently returned to using URL Manager Pro, a client-side tool...

Geeks for world peace

Here’s a great use for your favourite young techie: NetCorps Canada International offers young Canadians the opportunity to participate in exciting volunteer information and communication technology internships in developing countries….NetCorps Interns are...