My year-end post for the Harvard Business Review asked the question, What did the Internet do for you this year? In that post, I wrote:
Appreciating the moments when our online work and lives just click tells us that all this time we spend online is not a compulsion, but a well-deserved choice. And noticing the patterns in what’s worked well in the past — the online campaigns that consistently hit home runs, the social networks that bring us joy after joy, the content that elicits meaningful conversations — can help us invest in the activities that are most likely to pay off in the future.
In that spirit, I’d like to ask HBR readers to share their online triumphs from the past year — the moments, experiences and tools that have wowed, delighted and empowered you.
Some readers weighed in via the comment thread, but I’ve also seen lots of interesting answers on Twitter. I’ve rounded up some of them here:
Thanks to everyone who helped define the highs of Internet life this year — on Twitter, on HBR, on this site and all over the beautiful web. You’re my inspiration for 2012.
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