Your dream job: Representative Apple

If you love politics and you love Apple, have I found the job for you: Manager of Congressional Relations for Apple. That’s right, Apple is looking for a [wo]man in DC to schmooze and hobnob on behalf of the Maciverse. Let’s hope they get somebody...

Looking for Diablogue?

I’m consolidating blogs: in future you can find my posts about civic engagement, online dialogue and related topics on Otherwise Engaged.

Technorati previews tag feeds

The beta Technorati makeover is now online and hurrah! it includes RSS feeds for tag pages. These feeds will make it much easier for people to aggregate blog-related content from across the web by subscribing to a particular tag feed — either within a newsreader like Bloglines or for republishing on a web site […]

YASBoS: Jots

Beth Kanter has added a great gnomz cartoon to our bloggespondence (Rob, please add this to your Lexicon for the New Millennium) on and social bookmarking. Beth’s latest post on the subject pointed me to Jots, yet another social bookmarking site (OK,...

How to raise a gay-friendly child

Jennifer Gerarda Brown has posted a great set of tips on how to raise a gay-friendly child on the Lessig blog. A nice e.g. of the strong respect for civil rights that fits well with Lessig-style cyberpolitics.

Conference on Social Capital & ICTs

The European Social Capital, Quality of Life & Information Society Technologies project (SOCQUIT) is holding a 2-day conference in Paris (!) this September. The conference will reviw the results of SOQUIT’s research into the impact of IT on social capital, which focuses particularly on work and employment, aging population, local initiatives and migrants. For […] from good to great

Beth Kanter checked out my post on taxonomies, and asked me to say more about why I choose to use in the first place. The big reason for sticking with is that it really puts the “social” in social bookmarking....

Event tagging

Carolyn Minor, a librarian at the University of Winnipeg, has put out a call for help on event tagging. She’s noted the difficulties in setting up effective tagging for event blogs, which is something I struggled with myself in setting up the event blog for the 2005 Online Deliberation conference.

The main problem I ran […]

Tag blogging @

As of today I’m moving some of my tag-related musings to You’re It, a blog on tagging that includes such venerable folksonomists as Jon Lebkowsky, Clay Shirky and Dave Weinberger. Rob hopes that this new outlet means that I’ll finally stop talking...

Introduction for Alexandra Samuel

I’m Alexandra Samuel. I run Dialogue Networks, a consulting practice that specializes in online dialogue and public engagement. This work has spurred my tagging explorations in a few ways. It began as a practical challenge of managing bookmaks across multiple machines and platforms. But it didn’t take long to jump from personal value to […]