Meet Your Pinterest Customer

Pinterest is the social media darling of the month, growing madly and reported to be driving more traffic to third-party…

The Devolving Meaning of Social Media

The headline in yesterday’s New York Times business section was instantly exciting: "Kleiner Perkins and Partners Create $250 Million ‘Social’…

Putting a price on friendship

I’ll give you $2 for the guy you talked to at an office party last week. The friend you play hockey with every weekend, on the other hand, is worth $75. Your college roommate? She’ll net you a cool $1,000. If the idea of assigning a price tag to each of...

The next tech revolution is here and now

The next tech revolution is underway. It’s not the dawn of the semantic web, or the mobile web, or web 3.0 or any of these buzzwords. This revolution is about the people using technology, not the technology itself. It seems like the tech industry is finally...