Today in Elemental: How keto saved my sanity during Covid

I try not to be an evangelist about keto. Really, I do. But my two-year “keto-versary” has hit right as many people are coping not only with all the bread-induced weight gain of Covid, but with the mental health impact of isolation and anxiety. Much to my...

11 essential foods for the ketogenic diet

At the beginning of March I decided to get serious about losing the 40-ish pounds I’ve gained in the past three years, and after conferring with my posse, I landed on the ketogenic diet.  Initially developed as a treatment for epilepsy, the perfect keto diet...

Social media for the 28th day: 9 tech tips for easier periods

Today’s post is a special for my female readers. Gentlemen, please avert your browsers as I’m about to discuss icky girl things that would constitute a betray of my gender if you all keep reading. Ladies, now that it’s just us, let’s talk about...

Social media is the jar my brain sits in

Brain-in-a-jar images of the future are usually presented as dystopian. But for many years, I found the brain-in-a-jar lifestyle nothing short of enviable: what could be better than eternal life, or even just regular old life, than dispensing with the annoyances of...